From the factory, immediately to you: promise fulfilled
Today we have a promise fulfilled regardless of the adversities of time – to make modern treatments, necessary for everyday life, available to millions of people – at the highest quality standards.
With a portfolio of over 150 products, medicines, vitamins and food supplements, in over 30 years of innovation we have developed numerous collaborations with valuable partners. Partners are an important part of our company and a pillar through which excellence in health gets closer to patients.
We quickly produce and supply essential medicines for people’s health and immunity, in the context of an external environment that has jeopardized imports of health products.
Be one of our partners

We collaborate with drug distributors recognized nationally and internationally.

Together with pharmacists from large national chains or independent pharmacies, we offer you exactly what you need.

We send your vitamins and food supplements directly to your home, order them online.
We distribute in accordance with

Let’s get to know each other!
Tel: 0040 – 362 – 401 206
Fax: 0040 – 362 – 401 207
Address: str. Dr. Victor Babes nr. 50, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania